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Welcome to week report 6 from Las Buitreras!

This week, we welcomed guests from the UK and USA. Most guests this week were returning visitors, except for James from England, who joined us for his first trip. Their experience on the Rio Gallegos was evident in the impressive number of fish caught.

This week’s group included Nick G from the USA, a longtime visitor, and Steve D, returning for his second trip. The rest of our guests traveled from the UK, led by John D and Neil R, who have made their annual pilgrimage here since 2016. They were joined by longtime friends and fishing partners Will and Harry, along with Mark “the gentleman” Lee, Stephen R, Mike B, and John W. Our only newcomer was James W from England, experiencing both his first visit to Las Buitreras and his first time fishing with a two-handed rod (more on James later).

The river conditions this week were similar to the previous one, with a relatively low water level (-30 cm on the marker). Despite the low water we saw a big run of fresh seatrout due to a full moon. They were mostly in the 3-7 lbs range and due to the abundance of fish around we were able to land close to 100 seatrout this week. Some pools were stacked with fish, ensuring action even in challenging conditions.

The weather forecast predicted moderate to strong west and southwest winds every day, except for Sunday, when a light breeze came in from the north. Daytime temperatures ranged from 12–20°C, with nighttime temperatures dropping about 10 degrees lower. Patagonian weather is unpredictable and can change within days.

Tactics remained much the same as the previous week: floating lines paired with hover/intermediate tips and long leaders (12–16 ft). On the business end, we used small rubber-legged nymphs (sizes 8–10) and salmon doubles (sizes 12–14). Our most effective nymph pattern once again was the ‘Marianne,’ while ‘Copper John’s’ and flashbacks also performed well. Sunrays and medium-sized leeches led to plenty of thrilling action during the productive last hour of the evening sessions.

Day 1 brought light to moderate north winds, making the upper zones the place to be, as they allow full coverage of all holding pools. The lower zones also fished well, though they were required to occasionally cross the river for optimal casting and presentation.

Zone 1 proved productive for Nick G, who fished the iconic ‘Kitchen Pool,’ landing two chrome-bright fish of 15 lbs and 10 lbs, both taken on the irresistible ‘Marianne’ nymph. Meanwhile, in Zone 2, John D and Neil R saw action in ‘Old Bridge,’ netting three fish between them, the largest weighing in at 15,5 lbs.

As for our newcomer James W – on his very first day handling a Spey rod – he managed to land his first-ever sea trout, a beautiful 8 lbs hen fish.

Day 2 we saw plenty of the large run of smaller fish, chrome little bullets. Luckily they were accompanied by some bigger fish as well. James once again proved to be a natural, landing two more fish in Zone 3. Harry and Will had an outstanding session, netting 11 fish between them, including an impressive seven fish from the legendary pool Little Corner.

Steve D picked up a couple in Zone 5 at ‘Barranca Blanca,’ while John D and Neil R added four more to their tally in Zone 3.

Day 3 saw 20 more fish landed, with most of our guests enjoying fantastic fishing. Will W had a particularly memorable moment when he hooked a stunning 16 lb hen in a pool we call ‘La Curva.’ The fish tore off over 100 meters of backing, giving him a couple of knee-trembling moments and raising hopes of a true monster. What an unforgettable moment this was. Well done Will!

Day 4 was equally eventful, highlighted by John D’s 16,5 lbs, brightly colored male from ‘Barranca Negra’. This fish put up a tough fight, repeatedly trying to bury itself in the weed lines bordering the pool. A tough spot to land a fish and we have seen plenty of heartbreak in this pool over the years!

James W continued his impressive streak, landing two more fish in Zone 3 – first a small 4 lbs fish, immediately followed by a stunning 16 lbs chrome specimen, both from the pool ‘Outer Limits’ which was working really well this week. Meanwhile, Steve D got in on the action pulling a solid 12 lbs male from Little Corner.

The final two days of the week provided plenty of sport, with Zones 1 and 2 proving the most productive. We had a mix of smaller and bigger fish showing towards the end of the week. Felix managed to finish his week with an 18 lbs sea trout caught at Ochenta. The fish took off right into the backing and jumped all over the place, close to the pool “79”.

As another memorable week at Las Buitreras comes to a close, we want to extend a big thank you to our incredible guests and friends, a fantastic group of both regular and new clients.

A huge shoutout also goes to our hardworking kitchen and lodge staff, and to Genaro and his team of guides.

We hope you enjoyed this report, and we look forward to bringing you more updates from Las Buitreras.

Tight lines, everyone!

Stats of the week
Biggest sea-run brown trout landed: 18 lbs
Average size: 7,5 lbs